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Via G. Ribotta 5
Rome, Lazio 00144


There are no studies at this time

8700 Beverly Boulevard, #2900A
Los Angeles, California 90048



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

It is likely that progression also varies during different pediatric age groups for different forms of CMT. However, there are no large-scale epidemiological data available for the genetic distribution or natural history of inherited neuropathies in the pediatric age group. This study aims to develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. This study involves designing a pediatric scale(s) to measure impairment in children with CMT and to test the scale’s ability to measure disease progression in patients.

Corner of Hawkesbury Road & Hainsworth Street
Westmead, New South Wales 2145



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

It is likely that progression also varies during different pediatric age groups for different forms of CMT. However, there are no large-scale epidemiological data available for the genetic distribution or natural history of inherited neuropathies in the pediatric age group. This study aims to develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. This study involves designing a pediatric scale(s) to measure impairment in children with CMT and to test the scale’s ability to measure disease progression in patients.

3401 Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

It is likely that progression also varies during different pediatric age groups for different forms of CMT. However, there are no large-scale epidemiological data available for the genetic distribution or natural history of inherited neuropathies in the pediatric age group. This study aims to develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. This study involves designing a pediatric scale(s) to measure impairment in children with CMT and to test the scale’s ability to measure disease progression in patients.



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

It is likely that progression also varies during different pediatric age groups for different forms of CMT. However, there are no large-scale epidemiological data available for the genetic distribution or natural history of inherited neuropathies in the pediatric age group. This study aims to develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. This study involves designing a pediatric scale(s) to measure impairment in children with CMT and to test the scale’s ability to measure disease progression in patients.

No CMT-specific clinical outcome measure currently exists to measure disease severity or progression in children from birth to 3 years of age. This is an important omission since future clinical interventions may be most effective in slowing disease progression if given early in life.The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a clinical outcome measure to evaluate disability and disease progression of children ≤3 years of age (infants and toddlers) with various types of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).

Great Ormond Street
London, Greater London WC1N 3JH


There are no studies at this time

3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21218



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

55 Fruit Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02114



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

Queen Square
London, Greater London WC1N 3BG



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

It is likely that progression also varies during different pediatric age groups for different forms of CMT. However, there are no large-scale epidemiological data available for the genetic distribution or natural history of inherited neuropathies in the pediatric age group. This study aims to develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. This study involves designing a pediatric scale(s) to measure impairment in children with CMT and to test the scale’s ability to measure disease progression in patients.

6535 Nemours Parkway
Orlando, Florida 32827



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

It is likely that progression also varies during different pediatric age groups for different forms of CMT. However, there are no large-scale epidemiological data available for the genetic distribution or natural history of inherited neuropathies in the pediatric age group. This study aims to develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. This study involves designing a pediatric scale(s) to measure impairment in children with CMT and to test the scale’s ability to measure disease progression in patients.

No CMT-specific clinical outcome measure currently exists to measure disease severity or progression in children from birth to 3 years of age. This is an important omission since future clinical interventions may be most effective in slowing disease progression if given early in life.The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a clinical outcome measure to evaluate disability and disease progression of children ≤3 years of age (infants and toddlers) with various types of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).

4800 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105


There are no studies at this time

262 Danny Thomas Place
Memphis, Tennessee 38105


There are no studies at this time

450 Serra Mall
Stanford, California 94305



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

It is likely that progression also varies during different pediatric age groups for different forms of CMT. However, there are no large-scale epidemiological data available for the genetic distribution or natural history of inherited neuropathies in the pediatric age group. This study aims to develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. This study involves designing a pediatric scale(s) to measure impairment in children with CMT and to test the scale’s ability to measure disease progression in patients.

12605 E 16th Avenue
Aurora, Colorado 80045



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, Iowa 52242



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

It is likely that progression also varies during different pediatric age groups for different forms of CMT. However, there are no large-scale epidemiological data available for the genetic distribution or natural history of inherited neuropathies in the pediatric age group. This study aims to develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. This study involves designing a pediatric scale(s) to measure impairment in children with CMT and to test the scale’s ability to measure disease progression in patients.

No CMT-specific clinical outcome measure currently exists to measure disease severity or progression in children from birth to 3 years of age. This is an important omission since future clinical interventions may be most effective in slowing disease progression if given early in life.The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a clinical outcome measure to evaluate disability and disease progression of children ≤3 years of age (infants and toddlers) with various types of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

503 Thompson Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

730 S 8th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

3450 Hamilton Walk, Stemmler Hall Room 450
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

500 Joseph C. Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, New York 14627



A lack of high quality natural history data, based on a uniform, quantitative evaluation of patients continues to hinder the efforts to perform clinical trials for most forms of CMT. This study aims to determine the natural history of CMT1B, CMT2A, CMT4A, CMT4C, and other types of CMT in order to refine the overall picture of disease for use in future clinical trials.

Despite great success of gene identification in CMT, there is still much more genetic heterogeneity to uncover. In addition, modifying factors are an important aspect of CMT, but have been rarely studied in a systematic fashion. This study will apply innovative study designs and the latest technology to tackle some of the most pressing genetic issues in CMT, ultimately paving the way for new therapeutic approaches. This study aims to determine if gene modifiers exist for CMT1A, and to find new genetic causes of CMT.

It is likely that progression also varies during different pediatric age groups for different forms of CMT. However, there are no large-scale epidemiological data available for the genetic distribution or natural history of inherited neuropathies in the pediatric age group. This study aims to develop and test the CMT Peds scale (CMTPedS) in children with CMT in order to refine the scoring for future natural history and therapeutic trials. This study involves designing a pediatric scale(s) to measure impairment in children with CMT and to test the scale’s ability to measure disease progression in patients.

No CMT-specific clinical outcome measure currently exists to measure disease severity or progression in children from birth to 3 years of age. This is an important omission since future clinical interventions may be most effective in slowing disease progression if given early in life.The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a clinical outcome measure to evaluate disability and disease progression of children ≤3 years of age (infants and toddlers) with various types of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).